Good partners

Capricorn — the suitable companion for Cancer, which is important to get some confidence in the next day. The Union of these zodiac signs is not ideal, but Cancer adds romance to life purposeful Capricorn, and that, in turn, makes the lives of Cancer more certain, stable and secure.

For a long term relationship Taurus Cancer suitable. Those born under this sign are surrounded by their partners coziness and comfort, which is very important for the delicate and vulnerable Cancers. These relationships can last a very long time, as these zodiac signs are easy to configure on each other.

Wingman Cancer perfect Leo as a partner. Leo — always a good leader and a great friend, he will support Cancer in all his endeavors. Such a Union may not be too strong, since the emotional instability inherent in Cancer jealousy get bored quickly with the independent lion. However, minimal work on the relationship makes this Union strong enough.

The perfect Union may occur between Cancers and Pisces. The latter are characterized by a high sensitivity and emotionality, but are more purposeful and demanding toward family, relationships and life in General. Fish constantly motivate Cancers some active steps that allows such couples to develop and not to dwell on yourself. Pisces and Cancers understand each other, so such alliances are almost always harmony and love.

Bad options

If to speak about the least successful unions, Cancers do not count on a positive experience with Aries, as this sign of the zodiac characterized by increased stiffness and straightness, which can cause some problems in Cancers.

The relationship between the two Cancers most often are a complicated tangle of problems, and none of the partners is not solved first, at least talk about them.

The twins usually just use the gullibility of Cancers. Libra, with their penchant for noisy companies will deliver silent and homemade Cancers a lot of inconvenience. Scorpions are too aggressive and quarrelsome, making their Union with Cancers unstable. Aquarians and Sagittarians are not suitable for this sign of the zodiac due to pronounced egoism and exclusion, and Cancers is very important to feel the emotions of the partner in relation to itself. Sagittarians are overly pragmatic and dry for Cancers and Aquarians too focused on his personality.

However, the most difficult partner for Cancer is a virgin. Externally, the Union of these zodiac signs usually looks very strong and happy, but the lack of passion undermines it from within, dissatisfaction often leads to quarrels, both of which zodiac sign give not too much importance. The result is Cancer and Virgo can live together very long, experiencing only dissatisfaction with each other.