More painfully react to transplant large adult specimens of conifers. Resistant breeds can be considered as spruce, fir and Western thuja, and the most capricious pine and cedar. Best survival at the new location for the coniferous trees, transplanted during the winter. This is because the tree is dormant, and damage to the root ball occurs.
Every plant, regardless of species and size, at the time of transplantation carries the strongest stress. Since the activity of the root system and crown are interrelated, particularly important for rapid adaptation gets meticulous care. In the root of the tree is the synthesis of hormones that affect the growth and activity of root system, and hence on the entire tree as a whole. Even with the most careful and accurate transplant a significant part of young and active roots is lost. Therefore, the water balance of the plant, reduces the amount they absorb nutrients and weaken the functions of biosynthesis. Order the necessary material has entered the crown of the tree in the right quantity, after the transplant, it is recommended to treat synthetic analogues of plant hormones.
The group is auxin growth regulators and are intended for recovery in the shortest time possible of the root system. Cytokinin and gibberellinovaya groups stimulate the development of pine needles and new branches, in General, providing the adaptation of the ground part. In the nature of underground and aboveground parts grow, alternating, and therefore need to process the roots and the crown alternately.
Pour large conifers first 2-3 years after planting should be regularly and abundantly. The younger generation adapts quickly, so closely monitor the watering of young animals will have a maximum of a year. For more effective irrigation around each tree gets a small hole with raised edges. To protect evergreens from often overtaking them in the summer sunburns, preferably pritenyat them, especially the first year after transplantation. In particularly hot and Sunny days in addition to shading will be useful to arrange ephedra irrigation of the crown.
In the first years after planting, all plants, conifers and trees especially, are particularly susceptible to attacks by pests and infected by fungal infections. Insecticides and fungicides should be applied immediately after planting coniferous tree, for the prevention of unpleasant consequences. It is better to use broad-spectrum preparations. Observing all the conditions, it is possible to transplant the pine tree and provide it with a quick adaptability to the new location.