To gather a rich harvest of tomatoes you need to know:

1. How to prepare the soil for transplanting;

2. How to plant the seedlings;

3. How to care and what to feed;

Preparing soil for tomatoes

Tomatoes like the soil neutral or slightly acidic. If the garden soil with acidity, it can be reduced with liming.

Prepare sleighs in summer, and the soil for planting you need to prepare in advance, in the fall. To do this, pericopal the earth by making the phosphate and potash fertilizer. In the spring it is possible to improve the nitrogen content of the soil. This can be done by making the compost.

If the soil is clay, it should be diluted with sand, cut grass or straw. Spring has arrived, it's time to prepare the beds. What is important to pay attention to is the distance of the beds. They should not be less than half a meter. This is to ensure that the plants are not taken away from each other water and nutrients. The hole you need to do about 20 centimeters. It is necessary to put a handful of ash and a spoonful of superphosphate.

Planted in a permanent place

Plants are ready for transplanting to a permanent place of residence, if reached in the growth of at least 20 centimeters. The root system also needs to be formed. Before planting seedlings into the ground, it is important to water. Be sure to plant you need with a lump of land, not to harm the root system. If the nights are cool, and saplings of better shelter. You can do it through arc and film.

Feed and care

Feed the tomatoes through 10 days after transplanting to a permanent place of residence. Highest quality fertilizing manure was considered, but consider that it can be seeded with worms that unpleasant and even dangerous. So you need to choose one of two evils: chemicals or worms. Inexperienced usdelivery land is better to use complex fertilizers. You need to fertilize every 2 weeks at the most. Otherwise, it may badly affect the future crop. Tomatoes love moisture. But it is important in this matter is not to overdo it. You need to pour the roots, but don't get on the leaves and stem. The plants can determine they need moisture or not. The leaves of tomatoes dark, if they are saturated with moisture, dull, if moisture is lacking.

Applying the above knowledge, it is possible to gather a great harvest of tomatoes! Let happy not only the end result but also the process of care of plants!