It's always bad when family disagreements arise. It can bring harm to children, relatives and friends. Sometimes a quarrel so serious that relatives of the spouses are trying to reconcile the warring couple. But not always it turns out. Then an Orthodox man can turn to God, the virgin Mary and the saints for help.

In Christian liturgical practice, there are certain prayers that are designed to maintain love and peace between the spouses. The prayers are called in the following way - "a prayer for the multiplication of love and eradication of hatred and malice", and there is also a prayer about peace between spouses. In the special blessing the priest asks God about Umilenie hostility, help in overcoming differences. These services can be ordered, if necessary, in any Orthodox Church. In addition, any person can turn to God in your own words asking for help.

When disagreements within the family can pray the Mother of God before the icon "Softener of evil hearts". There is a special prayer that is read before this Holy image. It can be found in some Orthodox prayer books. Mother of God you can pray in front of other icons, because the teaching of the Church that is the blessed virgin Mary is the main patroness of the human race.

Of the saints who have a special grace to help in family problems and claim people in the world and love, there are several couples. Blessed Prince Peter and Princess Febronia are famous as the patron of those who have problems in family life. They can read certain prayers and ask for intercession for myself and for others. Even among the saints, to which you can apply about the growth of love between husband and wife, are the monk Kirill and Maria (parents of St. Sergius of Radonezh).