General analysis of blood
For common (clinical) blood test and fit the capillary, and venous blood. Capillary blood taken from the finger, it is examined under a microscope, venous is placed in a special apparatus-analyzer. If the blood is taken from a vein, with the total analysis can be performed in biochemical research, research into drugs, hormones, to detect pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases (gonococci, Trichomonas, chlamydia, etc.). Many diseases affect the blood composition, so this analysis is an objective method of diagnosing the state of health.
Biochemical blood tests are performed to diagnose abnormalities of the kidneys and the liver and kidneys, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, acute and chronic infectious diseases, viral diseases, etc.
General analysis of blood is performed according to the number of components (leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets, hemoglobin). Each of these components has its normal content in the blood. Any deviations would indicate a developing disease.
How to take blood from a vein
Before taking blood for two days need to give up alcohol, fatty and fried food, 1 hour before the test refrain from Smoking for half an hour before this to eliminate physical exertion and stress. Biochemical analysis of blood need to take on an empty stomach after 8 hours of fasting. General - not earlier than three hours after a light snack.
The increase in the level of ESR indicates inflammation or other pathology.
The taking blood from a vein in the following way. The patient sits or lies down in a comfortable position, his arm at the elbow should be straightened. Elbow puts a special pillow, after which the health worker puts on the arm of the patient harness. The patient needs several times to squeeze and unclench the fist to Vienna was filled with blood. Then the skin is treated with alcohol. Puncture is performed with a syringe. When released the needle into a vein, the healthcare worker removes the harness and takes a certain amount of blood, and then extracts the needle of the syringe.
Transcript of blood holds the attending physician. If the result of the study revealed abnormally high levels of leucocytes and lymphocytes, it tells about what is happening in the body's inflammatory process. A low content of leukocytes is caused by low immunity, a violation of hematopoiesis. The number of eosinophils (granular leukocytes) above the norm indicates the presence of parasites or allergic reactions. High red blood cell count tells about the development of the disease the blood eritremii, reduction of hemoglobin - anemia. The decrease in the number of platelets is an indicator of clotting due to damage or disrupt the structure blood cell count.