Get a referral from your doctor for analysis. It can give pediatrist or narrower expert, who considers that such a study you need for your child.
Make the diet of the child consistent with the required analysis. In General blood should not be fed to the baby in the morning before analysis. Also contraindicated sweet drink. But at the same time can I give him to drink mineral water. In the study of blood in various diseases, such as infectious, you should not give your child fried and too salty, sweet or fatty meals within day before analysis.
Subject to availability choose the right time for analysis. It is best to appoint him in the morning that the child does not remain hungry for a long time.
With a child who has already reached preschool or school age, discuss what will happen. We should not frighten him, especially if he takes blood from a vein the first time. However, explain that in contrast to blood sampling from the finger sample from a vein will take up more time. You can also warn that, most likely, the child will have unpleasant feelings.
Make sure that the child does not get bored in the queue while it awaits analysis. Bring a book, his favorite toy, coloring book with crayons - depending on age. That would not only take his time but will allow you to focus on the fear of the upcoming procedure.
Decide whether your presence in the office during the analysis. Of course, it will be needed if the child is very small, but some students, even from primary school, the presence of parents can only interfere and cause tears or protest. Focus on psychological characteristics of the child.
After the analysis, think about how you can please your child for good behavior. A small surprise gift will help to smooth out the unpleasant impression of the hospital.