How are the candles

The active substance of the drug "Geksikon" is a chlorhexidine digluconate – antiseptic substance broad spectrum. However, he sustained an acid-resistant forms of bacteria, their spores, fungi and viruses.

This tool can help in the treatment of gynecological diseases and sexually transmitted infections (herpes, syphilis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea). The advantage of "Geksikon" over other drugs is that it does not alter the natural microflora of the vagina and even restore it. Due to the extremely local action of this drug is prescribed to pregnant women, lactating mothers and adolescents.

Side effects of the drug are very rare. They manifest themselves in the form of allergic reaction and relieves itching and irritation, which takes place immediately after the cancellation procedures.
Typically, the interval from the moment of infection genital infection prior to the development of the disease approximately equal to 2 hours. Therefore, with the purpose of prophylaxis it is expedient to use candles "Geksikon" not later than two hours after contact.

"Hexicon" as a means of contraception

Among the many advantages of the drug – its spermicidal action. To prevent unwanted pregnancy, the drug inserted into the vagina five minutes before intercourse. Its effect lasts up to four hours. However, repeated contacts will need additional administration tools. After unwanted sexual intercourse douching with soap, which destroys the active ingredient "Geksikon".
Candles "Geksikon" designed for use in extreme cases. Their constant use to prevent unwanted pregnancy is undesirable, this can impair the ability of the vagina to cleanse itself.

Candles "Geksikon" during the month

Very often it happens that the woman began the course of treatment, and all of a sudden started the "critical days". How to be in this case? Most experts believe that it is desirable to suspend the procedures until the discharge stops. If menstruation is not enough time, better to wait and start the treatment after its completion. This is because the menstrual blood will not allow the candle to provide a therapeutic effect in full. "Hexicon" has an acidic environment, which kills the main part of pathogens. However, the activity of the drug is greatly reduced under the influence of alkalis, including blood, inactivating it.