First steps

Before beginning the search for benefactors is to collect the documents. It is necessary to make corresponding estimates of work or the shopping list. Every action should substantiate. For example, if a kindergarten it is necessary to change the wiring to write about the necessity of work in the power delivery to the garden of new equipment for the kitchen that old wiring will not stand. Also all documents of the institutions should be in order. It will be good if they made copies.

First with a proposal for sponsorship should contact the direct manufacturers or sellers. Their assistance will not be money, but will make up for facility costs. They can give their consent in exchange for advertising. Toy seller will give kindergarten toys for children of different ages in exchange for advertising their store among staff, pupils and their parents. A garden can make the sign banner on the building or on the fence. In the same way a sponsor can search among the companies involved in the repair, manufacture and installation of Windows, installation of playgrounds, etc.

Searching for a sponsor

About need sponsorship should tell you at the parent meeting. Even if parents do not respond, they can talk about it to your superiors at work or friends who do charity work. Some parents have access to the right people and be able to contribute to getting the necessary assistance.

An appeal to the Deputy of city Council assigned to the district where the kindergarten can help to find a sponsor in the person of the Deputy or another person. This especially helps before the election, when officials need positive feedback from people.

If you need a large amount, it is necessary to apply to several companies because one company is unlikely to allocate the required amount immediately.

To meet the leaders should go in a formal suit with the necessary documents. A potential sponsor must be sure that in front of him a responsible person. Serious preparation for the meeting, tell the sponsor about weight intentions. He needs to understand that the money will go in the right direction.

About search the sponsor should write on the website of the kindergarten. It is likely that the future sponsor and he will look for a scrap and see the ad. Today, many entrepreneurs and officials in charity for its social activism and a good reputation.