Costs of diagnosis

Of course, to identify the cause of the pathology is sometimes very difficult. Therefore, doctors previously diagnosed called into question and confirms it definitively only after studying all the data laboratory, instrumental examinations, monitoring of the patient.

Diagnostic errors are, unfortunately, numerous. For them, patients are paying the price with chronic illness, medical complications, disability, life...

But sometimes the doctors only shrug, not knowing what the diagnosis of the patient. Without a diagnosis it is impossible to prescribe treatment. Precious time overlooked, and unrecognized disease progresses dangerously. Alas, this is not uncommon. Why?

For the past twenty years fell sharply, the overall level of professionalism of doctors. The older generation treats more of the "old way", not knowing anything about the latest drugs or innovative techniques or about new equipment. And young doctors, of course, lacks experience, and random people many of them are.

In addition, significantly changed the symptoms and course of many diseases. The modern physician is often faced not with the classic, but with a "blurry" picture of the disease. Some are disguised as other illnesses, and to recognize them harder.

Finally, what would a complete diagnostic instrument, it is faltering. Moreover, not every diagnostician is able to accurately read and decipher information. So implicitly trust data, no x-ray or ultrasound, or even MRI is not necessary. However, a desperate patient that does not help. What should I do?

Knock and open to you!

Light a wedge on your precinct doctor has not converged. Try to find out the opinions of other doctors and compare them. Especially useful judgments of doctors of different generations, because they have frequent conceptual different approaches. And the truth is somewhere near.

In any clinic, the hospital operates a medical Commission. You can contact them. Better yet, insist on going consultation. Then chances of finding out the diagnosis will increase many times.

If you have been treated carefully enough, technically, to contact without any hesitation to your insurance company. Straight to the quality control Department of medical services. Bring the policy and copies of all medical certificates.

If doctors regional scale finally went you trust, regional, provincial clinics. There the doctors are qualified and the equipment modern. Require referral to a hospital.

Further each region has a unit of the Federal service for supervision in the sphere of health. Let they know about your "ordeal".

Finally, there is the Ministry of health of Russia. In the capital, assembled the cream of our medicine. Write, call or go to Moscow. Be persuasive, persistent, and your appeal will not leave without an answer.

The main thing – do not despair. Own peril. Don't lose faith in good doctors, they are there, you just have to look for them. Knock and open to you!