Compresses, baths, lotions

Make a decoction of chamomile. To do this, 1 tablespoon of dried flowers pour a glass of boiling water and allow to steep for 15-20 minutes. Decoction soak two cotton pad or soft cloth and apply on the eyes. Make sure that the poultice was constantly wet.

Pour boiling water over two tea bags, let cool, squeeze lightly and put them on the eyes. Lie down with them in a calm state for 10-15 minutes, then gently Pat the eyelids. Bags can replace the cotton pad soaked in tea leaves. Alternatively, you can use weak tea, i.e. tea leaves that are left after welding. You can simply sprinkle damp leaves closed eyelids, and can put them in a gauze bag and put on your eyes.

Take fresh cucumber, wash and grate. Squeeze the juice, soak it with a cotton swab and gentle strokes, no pressure and pressure, wipe the eyelids. Repeat after 20-30 minutes. Can also apply on eye cotton pads soaked in cucumber juice and leave them for 15 minutes, and can and a paste of grated cucumber to put on the eyelids and lie down with this applique 10-15 minutes. if fresh cucumber at hand was not, can the same thing be done using raw potatoes.

Cold massage

Throw in a bowl of water ice, moisten your fingers and make a gentle massage of the eyelids starting from the inner corner of the eye and moving to the outer corners. Try to avoid pressure on the eyeball, just the skin massage. This massage can be done using ice cubes, it is only necessary to see that the cubes were exceptionally smooth surface. Repeat cold massage several times.

Contrasting washing

Within a few minutes and wash alternately with cold and warm water, lightly Pat on eyelids with your palms, or fingertips. Such a washing may replace fast contrast lotions: 3-5 seconds hold the eyelids ice cubes made from mineral water without gas, or soaked in icy water on a cotton pad, and then quickly change them on the warm tea bags. In order to avoid allergic reactions, ensure that tea bags were free of fragrances, fruits, flowers, or seeds of plants.


Exercises for puffy eyes don't have to be stressful, after the performed exercises eyes should not hurt. Make the following complex (the time spent on performing a single exercise, determine for yourself):
- rotate the eyes clockwise, then – against;
- look left and right, then up and down;
- zazhmurtes, lock the action for 5 seconds and open your eyes, open them widely;
in 10-15 seconds and blink often eyes for 5 seconds, cover the eyelid, then repeat the exercise 4-5 times.

Eye drops

If the traditional methods of getting rid of eyelid tumours did not help you, buy at the pharmacy eye drops to relieve swelling (sold without prescription). In severe conditions it is better to consult a doctor.