Sex determination in the stomach

From generation to generation the signs of how to tell who is a boy or a girl, waiting for a pregnant woman, just look closely at her belly. Of course, all these signs belong to the third trimester of pregnancy.

That the family will soon have a boy, evidenced by the neat small tummy women. However, he stands clearly forward. Often, this belly is compared to the shape of the cucumber, as it has an elongated oval shape. If you look at the mother from behind, you can not even guess she was pregnant because her belly does not protrude at the sides and, therefore, it is absolutely not visible.

Back opposite signs tell of the imminent birth of your little girl. A pregnant woman in this elongated oval abdomen. The last time it looks quite big and bulky. The tummy increases in all directions, making the waist much wider. Even from the back shows that the woman awaiting baby.

Among the people will be found another. They say that the belly of pregnant women may be high or low. High tummy typical of mothers of daughters, and it begins, as a rule, straight from the breast. Women waiting for the son, the stomach is lower.

You can also look at the shape of the abdomen of the expectant mom. If the tummy is pointy, then the probability of the birth of a son, but a round belly suggests that the family will soon have a daughter.
The stomach shifted to the right, wait for the son and left the daughter.

A needle and thread will also help in this matter. Hold the needle over the belly. If it describes a circle, wait for the son, as if swinging to the side – a daughter.

Scientific substantiation of the data will take

Modern medicine strongly disagree with the fact that the shape of belly of a pregnant woman accurately indicates what gender baby will soon appear. So high the stomach usually happens to women with well developed abdominal muscles. Often the second pregnancy the mother's stomach will also be "high". And it does not depend on the sex of the baby.
Officially none of the methods of determining the sex of the baby is not recognized as 100% accurate.

A wide belly, which can be seen from behind, may be because the fetus is sideways. Hence the superstition about the size of the abdomen is not always confirmed in practice.

Everyone decides to believe superstitions or not. And only after birth we can confidently tell the sex of baby in each family.