The most accurate method of determining the gender ofa child in the early stages of pregnancy is chorionic villus sampling. However, this invasive (operative) diagnostic method is used not in order to satisfy my mother's curiosity. The procedure is quite painful and dangerous, so is only possible if there are serious indications, such as suspected genetic abnormality of the fetus. A biopsy of the chorion do with midwifery 9 (7 gestational weeks of pregnancy, therefore, gender of the child can learn with the same time. But if you are driven by simple curiosity, it is better not resist it, as in invasive diagnostic methods there is a risk of interruption of pregnancy (miscarriage). It is unlikely you will be able to forgive myself if I lose the long-awaited child only from the desire to know who he is.
With ultrasound you can determine the gender of the childsince 12 obstetric weeks of pregnancy. However for this to be a good instrument and a competent specialist. Sex organs of the child at this period has not yet fully formed, so a physician can only beforefloorrevive floor of the baby, measuring the angle at which racesgenderozhen floorroom bump. So if you don't want false hope or disappointment, wait until 16-18 weeks of pregnancy. By this time the floor of thenew organs of the fetus are usually formed, so the error probability is much lower.
A relatively new and safe method of determining the gender ofa child is the DNA test. It youfloorprotected with 9 obstetric (7 gestational weeks of pregnancy. For its implementation need only a drop of mother's blood, which contains fragments of embryonic DNA. Upon detection of a Y chromosome in the sample, doctors are almost one hundred percent can guarantee you an heir. If this chromosome is not detected, you can buy bows and dresses.
Another method of determining the gender ofa child in the early stages of pregnancy is Testpool. It was developed in 2007 in the USA and is successfully applied in Russia. Testpool is the urine of a pregnant woman. Depending on what color will turn the sample after contact with the reagent, it is possible to judge Paule child. The study is conducted at home since 9 weeks of pregnancy. But despite the fact that manufacturers guarantee the high precision, many women complain of the unreliability of the test results.