To change the name in the social network Vkontakte, open the website and enter in the appropriate box as a login and password. Login Vkontakte - e-mail address. The password you choose yourself. If you can't remember it - click the "Recover password". You phone (if it is "tied" to a profile) or e-mail address will come a new code. You need to enter it on the main page of the site together with the username. You can then change the password to another. The cipher must be Russian or Latin letters, numbers, and also to be different from previous password.
Open your profile, look for the link "My page". It is located in the menu at the top left. There will be a button "Red". Hover over it and click the left button of the mouse. Before you open the data table. There's the name, surname, gender, marital status, date of birth, hometown, relatives, etc.
Write in the first lines of a new name. You can write only in Cyrillic letters. Latin website does not accept. You can specify only the name instead of the name took the alias. Or come up with an interesting nickname.
Except for the name on the tab "Red" you can change the family structure by adding wives, husbands, children, add contacts - phone, email, website. You can also fill the pages of "Interests", describing his hobby, "Education" - putting the number of school and Institute (so you'll be able to find classmates and fellow students), "Career", "Service" and "position in Life". The more information about yourself you leave, the easier it is to find you old friends. And in communication with it will help. You immediately are given to understand that you are interested in and what is not, filtering out unwanted people.
Useful advice
Do not take as the alias for the name of a popular person. The administration of the site Vkontakte to monitor these profiles and blocks them without the possibility of recovery.