You will need
  • gold or bronze powder;
  • - aluminum powder;
  • - Lac;
  • - linseed oil;
  • - the joiner's glue;
  • - sodium hydroxide;
  • - hydrochloric acid;
  • - quicklime;
  • - utensils for mixing;
  • - the palette.
Decide what type of paint you need to get. Depends on the choice of nail Polish or glue. For example, for the manufacture of improvised gold gouache, you must first do the groundwork. 1.4 liters of water dissolve 100 g of wheat starch and add 7.2 grams of sodium hydroxide. To help paint adhere, add another 10 g of pure wood glue. All this mix thoroughly and add a little hydrochloric acid, as metal powder may be affected by alkali. Hydrochloric acid, add very small portions and stir continuously.
After cooking basics such as a small portions add burnt lime and pigment, in this case gold or bronze powder. Gold powder can be of different colors, buy it through the online store. Bronze powder is of several brands. As a pigment usually use the brand of BOD. If this composition is not to add lime, you get watercolor paint.
Large surface to cover the oil or nitro. To obtain the Golden colorand use linseed oil or varnish. Keep in mind that the linseed oil dries much slower, so do the gold paint of varnish it will be easier. Pour the varnish into a bowl for mixing. Add there a gold or bronze dust in small portions. Stir carefully to avoid clots. Gold comes in many shades, so there may be different concentrations. In some cases, to bronzing powder, you can add aluminum. The color will be more bright. In the manufacture of paints and Golden powder that is normally not needed because it comes in all different shades. The advantage of this method of preparation is that paint can be prepared as much as necessary. It is perfectly stored in a sealed container. Before use it is necessary to stir.
If you need to sweeten the product of papier-mâché, or, say, a clay sculpture product primed with latex paint. Then paint it gold gouache or paint-based nail Polish. In the latter case, an additional layer of colorless nail Polish, the product cover is not necessary. Using gouache to do it.