You will need
  • - Komkova lime:
  • - capacity;
  • water;
  • - a stick for stirring.
Lime any species you want to extinguish. Depending on the further use of lime can be diluted or hydrated in the dough. Quicklime is used in powdered form as a binder and a reinforcing material in construction.
For domestic use, whitewashing of ceilings, chicken coops, cowsheds, pigsties, is only slaked lime. To obtain the hydrated or the test will be taken of the different proportion of water.
To dissolve lime, hydrated, take 1 part Komkova lime, put in a container to extinguish. Capacity needs to be deep and rusty. Pour in lime 100% cold water. The ratio of water is taken on the basis of the weight of lime. That is, if you put in a container of 5 kg Komkova lime, water will need 5 liters. Be careful. The lime solution was heated up to a temperature of 150 degrees, it will sizzle, boil and splash hot, fat drops. So take personal precautions, goggles, gloves, full suit. All the time boiling, and it will take from 8 to 25-30 minutes, boiling mass of stir stick.
Use immediately slaked lime is not recommended. It should cover, to the cellar and stand for 15-30 days. Such a solution would fulfill all of their intended functions, disinfected and exactly lie.
To produce a whitewash, spread hydrated with water to desired consistency. If lime is required to wash, dense easy to learn, gradually adding water and testing the solution with a stick. With stirring, the stick needs to remain tight, smooth white shade.
The limy dough is prepared in the same way, but water does much less. For cooking, place in a container of 1 part Komkova clay, and add 40% cold water. Add water gradually, making it impossible to stop, the clumps sizzle, boil and dissolve. The dough used in masonry, plaster and other types of construction and finishing works.