Determine when your painting can be covered with varnish. According to the rules, this must be done not earlier than one year after the writing of the canvas. To achieve this, time painting to protect from dust, tobacco smoke and pollution.
Select finishing varnish that you will use. In this field applied mastic, acrylic-styrene, Tammany lucky. But the best is acrylic-pistachio. He has a high transparency, high elasticity and a very long time retains its properties. An important parameter of varnish is its freshness. Since the release should not go more than 3 months.
Pick hammers finishing brush for applying paint. The width of the tool select based on the dimensions of the canvas. For small paintings take fleyts width of about 50 mm, for medium – not less than 100 mm. the thick of your chosen nail Polish, the shorter should be the bristles fleytsem.
Pre-clean from dust and dry picture. Before you start working for a better wipe, varnish should be warmed. To do this, put it in a water bath at a temperature not exceeding 40°C.
If you want to avoid a high gloss varnish, the varnish needs to be diluted. Do it in a ratio of 1:1, adding fresh pine. In the cold season of the diluent can take a little more. For slower drying varnish, it is diluted with white spirit, but this material has the properties to penetrate through the cracks into the pattern and form spots.
Put a picture on the table, if she's small, or put on an easel if it is large. Install light source on the right side. Apply the nail Polish flejtsem, moving from the top, parallel to the bottom edge. Movement make smooth and wide. The Polish on the brush, collect a little, to avoid leakage.
Then raspolirovat applied varnish, until it is raw. Doing it dry fleyts. Raspolirovka stop when the brush begins to paglipat to the lacquer. If the coating is too thick, the excess is removed by fleyts soaked in pinene.
In 15 minutes after only to have the picture of the inclined face to the wall. This is necessary to protect the fabric from dust. Also covered with varnish , the painting should be protected from low temperatures and humidity.