Provide a registration service for processing the transaction of sale and transfer of ownership on real estate properly executed documents. First, the title documents for the land plot, this may be a contract of sale, gift, exchange, inheritance, etc. - and the certificate of state registration of this right, which is issued by the registration chamber of the Federation, if the land was purchased after 01.01.1998.
Compile and provide the text of the agreement of sale that you sign you and the buyer personally or by a representative by proxy. If in writing, two copies, if in a notarial form, more preferably, three copies. In addition, compile and submit the transfer act to the contract three copies when making the transaction at the notary.
Write the statements from the two parties to the Treaty on the state registration of the contract and on the state registration of the transfer of ownership. Provide a certificate of the Board of the horticultural society, in accordance with article 34 of the Federal law "On the horticultural, gardening and dacha non-commercial associations of citizens". Receive the cadastral plan of the land plot, i.e. the extract from the state cadastre of real estate site assessment. It should also be applied to General documents. If the acquisition of land suburban area occurred after 01.09.2006, the duly completed form of registration certificate of object of individual housing construction, not the passport of GUP BTI of the Federation or an extract from the registration certificate on building, which is on tejocote, which contains the inventory cost of cottage, garden or a home.
Provide a certificate from the tax authority of absence of tax arrears for this property from the seller. Take a notary certified consent of the spouse of the seller and the buyer for the sale and purchase of real estate of the owner, respectively, in the case where a property is acquired or sold during the marriage.
Provide regular passport of the buyer and seller, the payment receipt of state duty for registration of the transaction and for the transfer of ownership. In that case, when held in notarial form, please provide an extract from the register of rights to immovable property and transactions with it. All documents for state registration of rights present in two or more counterparts, one must be original, with the exception of acts of local government and authorities.
Sign a contract of sale of land suburban area (with or without a house), in writing, sign it from both sides (seller and buyer), making a single document. In it specify the data to accurately establish real property that is transferable to the buyer under the contract, as well as data that specifies its location on the land, in accordance with article 554 of the civil code of Russia. The value of the property specified in the contract and located on land include the value transmitted in the real estate part of the land or rights, unless otherwise provided by contract or law, in accordance with paragraph 2 of article 555 of the civil code.