You will need
  • - the horizontal bar;
  • regular studies.
To perform these exercises must twice a day – morning and evening. You can engage in in the yard in the Playground or at home, at the bar of the simulator. Waking up in the morning, go to the bar. Keep in mind that you need to hang at arm's length. Try to hang the maximum amount of time. It is desirable that it was at least 2 minutes to start. Jump off and get some rest. Again jump onto the horizontal bar and hang as long as possible. Just follow these 5 visits. Count the time spent in a hanging position. Over time increase it.
The second exercise is like the previous one. However, it is necessary to perform not two but one minute. That is, to do this exercise need not at full strength. Do not 5, and 20 visits. When your hands get stronger, increase the time to two to three minutes. Keep in mind that the morning runs either the first or second exercise. Choose one and practice.
Take a breath, relax and proceed to the next exercise. Perform pull-UPS. Falling, try to relax and hang in this state for 5-10 seconds. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times.
Hanging on the bar, rotate your body to the right and left. Make at least 30 calls in each direction.
Hanging at arm's length, imagine a pendulum and try to simulate the vibrational motion of the legs in one direction and in another. Repeat 10 times in each direction.
Now perform rotational movements pelvis. Make exercise first one, then the other side. It is advisable to do at least 10 reps.
Don't forget about evening exercises. Jump on the bar and try to hang the maximum amount of time. Follow these 5 visits.
Remember that to achieve results is very important to have regular exercise. Over time your growth will start to increase due to stretching of the intervertebral discs. In addition, you will strengthen the muscles of the back and arms and minimize the risk of development of diseases of the spine.