Prepare documents confirming your disability status (reference ITU certificate from Pension Fund about the size of your pension, the originals or certified copies of existing programs for rehabilitation).
Prepare documents confirming your right to free municipal housing (extract from the cadastral passport and the plan of your house, an extract from the house register and a certificate of family composition).
In that case, if you are working, but your total revenues would still not exceed the subsistence level, please contact the accounting Department at the place of service and get a certificate of salary. By the way, if you are living with your relatives, they will also need to apply for a certificate of salary to the accounting Department. If you (or your relatives) don't work, you may need employment records or other documents containing information about your (and your family) the last place of work or study.
Sign up for registration at the place of residence (or workplace) as a person with preferences for the provision of free housing, presenting all the documents. The law allows a disabled person to be registered in a preferential list for an apartment in both places.
In addition to previously mentioned, you'll need to submit the following documents:- statement;
- passport, birth certificate (if you want free housing to the parents of a disabled child);
- certificate of conclusion/termination of the marriage;
- SNILS and INN;
- lack of help for you (and your family) other housing;
- information on the presence (or absence) of you car and mototransport (must be obtained from the traffic police).
If you or your disabled child going on a long time to remain on treatment/rehabilitation in a public institution, remember that the right to use the apartment you will lose your family after 6 months.