You will need
  • - breast-feeding;
  • - mixtures fortified with iron;
  • - proper diet;
  • - walks in the fresh air;
Low level of hemoglobin can be determined by clinical analysis of blood. A is considered normal hemoglobin value greater than 110. If the result is in the range 100-110, be wary and pay attention to the food baby. If the value is less than 100 (in babies up to 6 months less than 90), then the child is likely to require treatment, which must appoint a physician. A decrease in hemoglobin in the blood may be manifested by lethargy, decreased appetite, developmental delay and growth.
Prevention of anemia in the newborn baby should be during pregnancy. Eat foods rich in iron – meat, buckwheat, pomegranate juice.
Try to feed your baby breast milk for at least 6-12 months. It fully meets the needs of child's organism in the gland. Bioavailability of iron in breast milk is 50%. Do not forget that a nursing mother should watch her diet and eat food rich in iron. If the baby is on artificial feeding, consult your doctor about choosing a mixture with a high content of iron.
After you enter the child solid foods, try to plan his diet according to the availability of low hemoglobin. Proper correction of the diet will help to improve the performance of hemoglobin. Baby from 7 months you can introduce meat, the best source of easily absorbed iron (the iron availability from meat is about 23%).
Do not let the child under one year whole cow's milk. This product may cause damage to the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract of the baby that will lead to the loss of iron and low hemoglobin.
Aside from proper diet to normalize the level of hemoglobin child's body the necessary daily walks in the fresh air for at least 3 hours, and breathing exercises and exercises in accordance with age group.