Theoretical knowledge of Latin can be obtained free of charge. On the Internet there are tutorials, and related websites and blogs. For example, Or Latin for medics and biologists: To avoid confusion in several systems of Latin spelling and pronunciation, and should prefer German and Italian books (even translated and adapted) Russian and German. Traditionally Russian Latin scholar preferred the medieval German system. The same they hold to this day.
Practical skills can be acquired by communicating on the forums of the Latin scholar. Usual guests of such resources - the careless students who are asked to translate a piece of text. Therefore experts will be happy person with the original query. For example, the literary game - write a group novel in Latin, where each collaborator writes one sentence. Art, especially sharing, it is the oil that lubricates the creaky mechanism of learning. The main message - the study of the Latin language should be fun.
Communication involves fluency in basic knowledge. In fact, this integration into a community of like - minded professionals and supporters, when in parallel with the training, mastering of new knowledge, the person begins to teach beginners. No matter whether it's a discussion of grammar or translation catch phrase, or a comparison of the classical and modern translation of the same Latin text, training of monologic register goes into dialogue mode.