Check the Pinout of the battery "Crown". The battery or battery pack of this type and equivalent power supply unit, large terminal - negative, small - positive. In the charger, as well as any device powered by "Crown", is the opposite: the small terminal is negative, most positive.
Make sure that the battery which you have available, really is rechargeable.
Determine the charging current of the battery. To do this, its capacity expressed in milliamp-hours, divide by 10. Will the charging current in milliamperes. For example, for a battery capacity of 125 mAh charging current is 12.5 mA.
As the power source for the charger use any power supply, the output voltage is around 15 V and maximum allowable current does not exceed the charging current of the battery.
Check the Pinout of the stabilizer LM317T. If you put it face marking to her, and findings down on the left is the control output, middle output, right input. Chip install on the heatsink, which is insulated from any other conducting parts of the charger, since it is electrically connected to the output of the stabilizer.
IC LM317T is a voltage regulator. To use not for the designated purpose - as a current regulator between its output and a control output enable pull-up resistor. Calculate its resistance according to Ohm's law, given that the output voltage of the stabilizer is 1.25 V. this charging current, expressed in milliamperes, substitute in the following formula:
Resistance happens in Kromah. For example, the charging current is 12.5 mA, the calculation will be as follows:
I=12.5 mA=of 0.0125 And

R=1,25/0,0125=100 Ohm
Power resistor to calculate the watts by multiplying the voltage drop across it equal to 1.25 V, charging current, and pre-translated in amps. Round the result up to the nearest value of the standard series.
Connect the positive power source to positive of battery, negative of battery to the input of the stabilizer, adjusting the output of the stabilizer to the minus power supply. Between the input and the control output of the stabilizer include electrolytic capacitor 100 UF, 25 V plus to the entrance. Sexunderwate ceramic any capacity.
Turn on the power supply and let the battery charge for 15 hours.