Carefully review the regional legislation, regulating the order of assignment of veterans ' title. Please pay special attention to the list of required awards. If you have any state or departmental awards, check the conformity of their awards requirements not only in the bodies of social protection, but also have competent lawyers, as in the estimates of awards (especially issued in the USSR) often there are discrepancies.
Don't wait for retirement age. If you have every reason to receive the title "Veteran labour" - feel free to go to the social security authorities at the place of your residence.
Bring your passport, work book and certificate confirming you have the required experience, and all documents to your state, government or departmental awards and titles (original and copies). It is also possible that the issue of the certificate "Veteran of labour", you will need your photo 3x4.
Write a statement about assigning you the title of "Veteran of labour" and show the employee social security your documents to check your data and also give the required certificate and copies of the award documents.
Wait until your application will be considered in the regional bodies of Executive power. This is usually the wait is about 15 days. His decision authorities will bring to social welfare agencies, and those already in turn, will announce the decision to you.In case, if the decision to refuse to assign the title of the veteran, the regional authorities will have to explain in detail the reasons for refusal in writing.
Do not be discouraged if you are denied. Unfortunately, the unreasonable refusal to assign people to well-deserved title of "Veteran of labor" occur often. But this refusal can be appealed. If you are sure they are right, contact the Prosecutor's office. Describe their position and get through the Prosecutor of cancellation adopted by the authorities of the decision.