The direct gap at the thin fabric up from the wrong side, placing the fabric on a hard smooth surface. First, walk the seam "forward needle" sticking out and cut the strings. Then sew the tear with small stitches. Amperite seam through cheesecloth.
Jersey fabric darn special "knitted stitch". The seam was invisible, pick up thread, which fully complies with the tissue. Ideally, if possible, to pull a thread from the edge of the product, such as the seam or sew the bottom.
If the knitted fabric is lowered loop, then use a special needle-petiolulate. To repair things knit use the hook. Lifting loops, follow pattern – try to repeat it. Latest loop clip on the wrong side of a few stitches.
Corduroy up from the inside, then gently spread the pile. Did the same with velvet and other fabrics with a NAP. To reinforce the seam from the inside priutyuzhte piece of fabric.
Fabric type tweed suture thread out of the seam. Try to repeat the original weave of the fabric, it will make mending virtually invisible. This method is suitable for all dense heavy fabrics.
For darning socks use a special fungus. Firmly pull the product up and across the hole frequent stitches, grabbing some tissue to 3 mm. darn that Little hole as well as conventional fabric.