To make your hips look slim and toned not only outside but inside, it is necessary to perform special exercises. To the gym to walk is optional, you can do at home, thing is that your classes were regular. For effective correction, it is sufficient to perform a set of exercises a day for one month.
The first effective exercise is the splitting of the toes in the air. Lie on your back and lift the straight leg. Raise legs 20 to 30 times, then rest. Repeat three times for maximum effect.
Then again, lie on your back and raise your legs at a right angle. Your task is to move the legs without changing the angle. Three approaches 20-30 times should be enough. Return to starting position and proceed to the next exercise - alternate lowering your legs. First drop on the floor right foot without changing the angle (20-30 times), then left (20-30 times). Three approaches will be sufficient.
Podkachal muscles three of the above exercises, they will need to stretch. For this, lying on back, maximum, spread your straight legs as you stretch. Smooth motion push on the inner thigh muscles and lock the body in this position for 30-50 seconds. The effect of exercise and stretching can strengthen the local massage, which, incidentally, is a great help in cellulite.