You will need
  • -identity documents of all family members
  • -income of all family members
  • help on the value of the property
  • -a certificate of residency for 10 years
  • -certificate of inspection of the house in 5 years
In accordance with article No. 109 of the housing code of the unprotected categories of citizens still supported the government, but receive free housing only to the poor and very needy negate equality among all citizens of the Russian Federation, and violates the law of the Constitution of the Russian Federation No. 55. Therefore, the 49 categories of the waiting list who were eligible for extraordinary or preferential priority in getting flats were removed from the list of beneficiaries. All those who stood in the queue for housing until the new Housing code, that is, until 1 March 2005, with the queue of beneficiaries will not remove. All others in need of improving the housing conditions of citizens and the homeless will be put on a shared queue to provide apartments on a General basis.
To stand in the queue to receive apartments from the state need to contact the administration and provide a list of documents. First and foremost, citizens must be poor and needy. Requirements for membership in this category have tightened significantly, and each entity of the Russian Federation to decide what category of citizens can recognize the poor and needy.
The documents to be submitted are: proof of income of all family members; a valuation certificate of the property; a certificate of residency for 10 years; the act of inspection of living space over 5 years; a document stating that housing is not at all; the documents proving the identity.
After reviewing the documents the members of the Commission, the decision will be made about the play on the turn or denied in the grant queue.
Even if you put it on the queue for housing, you must remember that the queue stretched period of not less than 20-25 years, on the order is worth 4.5 million families. Annually to confirm their right to order fresh documents and certificates, and that after 25 years the financial situation could change for the better at any time will deprive you of the right to turn.
In the category of beneficiaries has left individuals with severe illness are dangerous to others. This benefit left behind by the regulations of the housing code of the Article No. 37 of part 3. Also to this category include the disabled, the category which fits the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 817. All other categories of beneficiaries do not have priority or pre-emptive rights for getting accommodation and will stand in the General queue.