One degree Fahrenheit equals 1/180 part of the temperature difference between the boiling point of water and melting of ice. In order to convert a temperature from degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius of the Fahrenheit temperature, subtract 32, and the obtained value to divide by 1.8. C=(F-32) / 1,8. - Temperature Celsius F is the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. Give some compliance.
1. 0 degrees Fahrenheit -17,8 corresponds to degrees Celsius,
2. 32 degrees Fahrenheit correspond to 0 degrees Celsius
3. 212 degrees Fahrenheit degrees correspond to 100 degrees Celsius,
4. The body temperature of a healthy person is 36.6 degrees Celsius, or 98.2 Fahrenheit.
In order to convert a temperature from degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Kelvin, you must add to the temperature in Fahrenheit 459 and the resulting value divided by 1.8. K=(F ? 32) / 1,8. To ? temperature in Kelvin. It should be noted that zero degrees Kelvin is the temperature of absolute zero. Absolute zero Kelvin is the minimum temperature that can exist. This temperature corresponds to -271,15 degrees C or -459,67 degrees Fahrenheit.