Application on Internet-you can complete and send to the official website of the operator "MegaFon". On the main page, select the box called "Phone" then "Settings Internetand MMS, GPRS and WAP, then simply fill in the required fields.
Also, get on your phone the settings can be toll free number 5049. Send an SMS-text message 1 (if you want to setup the Internet), 2 (if you want to get wap settings), and 3 (if you need some settings of MMS). Clients of "MegaFon" also available rooms and 05190 05049.
To automatically configure the Internetand can call on the Subscriber service 0500 (if calling from mobile) 502-5500 (if homemade). In that case, if none of the settings does not suit you or you have any difficulty, please contact the salon svyazi MegaFon or to the office of technical and customer support.