You will need
  • Computer, Microsoft Word, elementary skills for working with computer
Add numbers to the pages in the "Insert" main menu, the desired string is called "page Numbers", or by using the toolbar "header and Footer". However, the removal of the numbering with any of the pages using these tools can not produce, we can only apply this function to the entire document.
In order to delete a number from the first page of the document in the "File" tab on the main menu and select "page setup" and click on it with the left mouse button. In the opened window go to the tab "paper Source".
Find the tab inscription "headers and footers" under it, next to the line "First page", check. After this number the first page will be removed. The page numbering will begin on the second page with the number "2".
To the numbering began with the number "1", open in the main menu item "View" and activate the toolbar "header and Footer" by clicking on it with the mouse. In the panel that appears, click on the "Format page number" with the left mouse button. In the lower part of the window of the tool there is an item "page Numbering". Select the line "Start with" and set the value to "0". Now the title page is considered "zero" and the numbering will start from the second page of the document.