Most likely, to see a young man will want to not only you, but his parents and friends. Join this noisy group and go all together to the station. Can draw a welcome poster, prepare balloons or flags for all the greeters. Man like a fun crowd of friends on the platform, rejoicing his return.
Choosing an outfit in which you meet the beloved, and prefer feminine style. Imagine that he looked at the pants and military bearing, delight his eye. Put on a light dress that will flatter your figure.
Do not worry that you will not find immediately the right words to show your joy of meeting up with a guy. Your smile and shining eyes will be to him enough to know that you waited and are still in love.
Most likely, immediately after the train many relatives will want to get your young person at the festive table. Give them the opportunity, because they missed you as much as you do. Go with them to listen to stories about the difficult everyday life of the army. Time of your meeting in private ahead.
After lunch go for a walk. You haven't seen for two years, during which time many things could change. Walk around the memorable for you. Wrap in a cafe where you had your first date, a ride on the river on the boat, hold hands, eat ice cream in the Park. This will help you to stir up your feelings in front of the main.
Your young man two years without intimacy, so make it a romantic evening. In advance, prepare the bed lay on bed with luxurious linens, arrange the candles. Choose sexy set in which you appear before her lover. And enjoy the night you've waited two years.