Subscribers of Beeline can use the service "Hello" the number 0770. A call to the number is free but for use of the melodies will be charged the monthly fee. Read the terms and catalogue of ringtones are available on the website of the operator. To disable the melody can be toll free number 0674090770.
Subscribers of "MegaFon" connected service "Change the tone"by calling or sending SMS to the number 0770. When you call after call button 5 click advanced. The cost of the melodies and the monthly fee should be confirmed with the operator.
For subscribers of "MTS" the service is called "Beep" and the call connects to one of the rooms: 0550*, *111*28#. To deactivate the service, call *111*29#. The cost of ringtones and subscription fees and other terms of use stated on the website of the operator.