If you've stained my jeans with paint is just that, it's still fresh and soaked into the fabric, wash the pants in the washing machine. Not dried paint will wash off and stains will not. Don't forget to add the stain remover. It contains active enzymes that help to deal with paint.
If the stain is old, try to clean it with a solvent. But first apply a little bit on the jeans in an inconspicuous place. If the fabric color remains the same, safely wash the paint - thinner will not ruin your thing. Then send the jeans in the wash to eliminate the smell of acetone.
When the solvent is not at hand, use the tool to remove the nail Polish. It also contains substances that dissolve the paint. Pour a little money on the fleece and try to scrub the stain from jeans.
With oil paint can help to manage the dishwashing detergent. It perfectly dissolves the fat and save your jeans from unnecessary "decorations". Pour into a saucer a little water and a teaspoon of dishwashing detergent. Mix well to form a thick foam. Dip a sponge into water and wipe the stain. Repeat the procedure until, until the paint is gone.
You can try to remove jeans stain from paint with gasoline. Do it better in the fresh air so as not to inhale toxic fumes. Then immediately wash thing to get rid of smell.
Another option is to use white spirit. It is better to use the composition of foreign production, it has virtually no smell. Domestic manufacturers have not considered this point, and the Russian white spirit smells very sharply. Then to remove the odor from the jeans will be very difficult.
If neither of these options has not helped to get rid of paint stains, take jeans to the dry cleaners. There is likely to cope with this problem and will return the favorite thing intact.