You will need
  • stones, twigs, dry clothes, polyethylene, branches, car
Caught in storm front nature, it is necessary to observe some safety measures. Being in the woods, not hide under the tall, lonely trees, especially the oak, poplar or pine. Try to shelter to find stunted trees with dense canopies. If the storm caught you in the mountains, don't stay closer to 3-8 meters high vertical plumb.
Itself water surface level lightning does not attract, they are attracted by rising above the water objects, including the heads of the bathers. Therefore, if during a thunderstorm you are in the water, immediately get to shore. Being on the sailboat, or the boat pull the mast, but if this is not possible, ground it to the water via paddle or the keel. When fishing, fold or remove the rods.
Being in an open area, seek shelter in a dry ditch, pit, ravine. If you are on a hill – down in the lowlands. To lie on the ground and expose the whole body shot of lightning should not be better grouped to sit down, bend your back, lowering my head between my legs, bent at the knees, the soles of the feet should be put together. To insulate the soil put themselves under stones, twigs, clothes, plastic, branches, etc. All metal objects put myself on 15-20 meters.
Caught in the storm in the car - not out of it. You need to get off the hills, stay away from power lines and tall trees to stop the engine. Car Windows should be closed, to lower the antenna to the radio and try not to touch the metal parts of the machine. If you are moving by bike in the city, then get off it during a thunderstorm is not necessary, but in open or rural areas, the Bicycle saddle is better to leave.
If you are in a room the fireball flew, to get away from her or make sudden movements is not necessary. Try not to touch metal objects, to throw in the ball materials at hand or waving. Try, if possible, to leave without making any sudden movements, in the other room. If the flash responds to the movement – lie on the floor, covering his head and neck with your hands.