In that case, if the report, which you should make, is a free form, its exterior design still must meet documentation standards. To write it should be on an ordinary sheet of writing paper A4.
In the middle of the sheet write the word "Report" and then describe the subject of the reportand the work of the division", "for month," "about results of the trip". If this is an individual report, enter your surname, name and patronymic, as well as Department and position.
If the report does not involve detailed description and analysis, such as the report on industrial practice or on research develop, then try to fit on a single sheet, stick to clear and concise form of presentation. Write the specific facts, reinforce them with numbers. Try to Express this simply, those who would study your report, and this will most likely be the boss will appreciate your ability to summarize.
For greater clarity, use reporte tables and diagrams, if there are large discrepancies in the figures that you used in the previous report, then specify the reasons why this happened and give them the analysis.
General information structure of the reporttion of the document must be homogeneous, consider what form of presentation you will be most comfortable, and use it for the entire document.
Complete reportindicating your position and putting a signature and date.