Strut fabric at the seams, including a separate belt. It put aside until almost the end of the work.
Cut the fabric into squares. Size can choose, at its discretion, from 5 to 20 cm but the optimal side – 9-10 cm tailored seam in the product boxes will have a hand of 5-6 cm.
Sewn the squares at the edges. Atribuite half inside, half outside so the fabric had a presentation from both sides and not be dismissed.
Sew the squares alternating the face and inside out in a checkerboard pattern. Length should be approximately equal to the future length of skirt (from waist, for example, the knee), and the width is the circumference of your hips at the widest point. Can at the end of the stitching to verify the wrapped fabric around the waist and hips. If the missing squares, sew another. Extra fight back.
Make Darts to narrow the skirt to the waist.
Sew the waistband. Find buttons, similar to the one sewn to the waistband, and sew at an equal distance on the far right squares. On the left side sew the loops from strips of satin ribbon gray or gray-blue color.