You will need
  • - antiseptic;
  • water;
  • - sterile bandage;
  • - an antihistamine;
  • - ointment for tissue regeneration.
Rate visually the degree of the burn. If you feel a burning and redness, try to cope with the problem alone. Blisters, red skin, severe pain, sores are all cause for immediate treatment to the doctor. Don't underestimate the situation: even a simple shot can cause very serious burns.
Gently removing the yellow, flush affected area with cool water. To relieve pain, you can substitute the burn under a gentle stream of cool water for 5-7 minutes. Blot the damaged skin clean (preferably sterile) cloth. After this procedure, you need to feel the investment. If the situation, on the contrary, worsens, doctor must.
Treat the burn with an antiseptic drug with a sedative effect, such as miramistina, sintomitsinovoy or furatsilinovoy ointment. Apply dressings and bandage affected area to eliminate possible contact with other objects. Contrary to popular stereotype, a fresh burn from the shot in any case can not be lubricated with animal fat or other fat-containing substances. So you will only create on the skin surface film, which "will drive" burn in the deeper layers of the skin and will aggravate the situation.
If the burn is accompanied by dizziness, nausea, unbearable itching and burning, quite possibly, we are talking about an allergic reaction. Take the pill antihistamines, drink warm tea or water, lay down in bed and wait for the doctor.
If you treat a mild burn on their own, 2-3 times a day to change the dressing and monitor the health of damaged skin. After 1-2 days start to use drugs, accelerating the regeneration of tissues. You can give preference to pharmaceutical drugs ("Panthenol", "Aekol", "Hebermin") or traditional methods (sea buckthorn oil).