To make a career in this profession is possible only with higher education. Professional appraisers prepare many institutions. There are specialized universities such as international Academy of valuation and consulting or professional appraisal Institute. Both of these institutions non-state, located in Moscow. There are teaching practices that work in valuation and consulting organizations. Academy of valuation and consulting is the only Russian University, which is affiliated with the world Association FIABCI. The teaching staff of the University develops methods of evaluation for practicing appraisers. Here you can learn how to evaluate the assets of the industrial enterprises and small companies. Of the downsides of these institutions – only paid tuition.
The specialty "Evaluation of property" in the Russian state educational standard does not exist. To learn to be an appraiser can only be in the context of other professions. The most common variant is the training in the specialty "Finance and credit". From the third year there that specialize in "property valuation". You can get a profession of the evaluator in a known state universities, for example, in Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, State University of management. In this case, guaranteed a prestigious diploma and basic training in management and Economics. You will learn all the intricacies of investment activity, accounting, micro and macroeconomics, securities market.
If you want to engage in the appraisal of land and real estate, you are waiting for the State University of land management and the Moscow state University of geodesy and cartography. These schools teach the land registry. In the Moscow Institute of law specialization in the evaluation of getting on the specialty "Management of organization". They prepare evaluators-managers of a wide profile.
For those who do not have professional education evaluator, too, all is not lost. Many universities have programs of additional professional education. They can pass in the Financial Academy under the RF Government, the University (University of Economics, statistics and Informatics), Institute of professional evaluation, and others. These courses typically last around 500 hours of study and is aimed at specific areas of assessment - "Assessment of enterprise value," "Valuation of estate" etc. are Sometimes presented only one more program that meets the specifics of the University. In Moscow automobile-road Institute on the teaching of the appraiser transport in the Russian Institute of intellectual property - appraiser of intellectual property.