The Straubing not inconvenienced by the clear lines, not drawn to certain parts of the face. The main thing in this technique of makeup is to make your face look as natural as if you never wear makeup.

With the help of highlighter you will be able to place necessary accents, but with no detail. Rastushevok it on certain areas of the face, you will give him a glow. So after applying mascara can begin to Straubing. Highlighter does not necessarily apply with a brush, smooth movements of the fingers draw the necessary emphasis, so you can better control the process and not overdo the makeup.

Evenly distribute the highlighter to the middle of the forehead, above upper lip, under the eyebrows, along the cheekbones and the bridge of the nose, do not forget the chin.

If you liked this newfangled trend in makeup, then you need to remember five basic rules Straubing:

1. Before proceeding to the highlighter, you need to mask all the skin imperfections. The Straubing is impossible without perfect smooth tone. So if you have rashes or redness, a first mask them with special cosmetic products, and after that proceed to apply the highlighter.

2. Remember, this is a completely new style, which rejects sharp lines. Therefore, the highlighter should be carefully shaded so that the makeup look as natural as possible.

3. Owners of dry skin should choose a creamy highlighter texture and girls with fat it's best to pay attention to the crumbly texture. But if you have a combination skin type, then you can combine both the texture of the highlighter. For dry areas apply a cream tool, and oily – crispy.

4. Remember that in any case do not need much apply cosmetics to the face did not resemble a fat pancake. Highlighter on the skin should be barely noticeable.

5. Do not be confused with the bronzer with the highlighter. After the first use in the beauty sector to achieve the effect of tanning on the skin, we need to achieve a natural glow.