Should I give cat hormones?

Contraceptives for cats exist in the form of drops, injections, pills. The most convenient and fastest way to calm the animal drug is "Covenan". Just one shot will save your cat from heat for six months. But we should not be deluded by the fact that for your pet the use of this medication does not threaten. Like any hormonal drug, "Covenan" has the contraindications, and its use can undermine the health of even the young strong cat. But if its age more than 5 years, this drug is not even worth considering.

If you missed the approach of estrus, and it is in full swing, to calm cats and other drugs in the form of drops or tablets. "Clean a toilet", "Stop Sex", "contra-sex", "Libadmin", "Sex barrier" – the most popular drugs that help to reduce the libido of the animal. Before applying it is advisable to consult a vet and in any case not exceed recommended dose.

It should be remembered that the use of hormonal therapy in any form is risky for the health of cats, because their action is a gross interference in the natural physiological processes of the animal body.

If not hormones, then what?

First of all, owners should understand that the behavior of cats in heat caused by natural changes in her body. So no need to punish the animal, close in the pantry, pour ice-cold water. The cat and without suffering. And if also the host, she trusts, is acting very odd, it makes her even more stress.

Better try different methods to calm the animal. Be gentle and careful with the darling, give her a sedative. For example, you can prepare a decoction of thyme and chamomile or buy ready-made drops "cat Baiyun."

Very well proven homeopathic remedies such as "Bromo", "Palladium", "Ignacy". They gently interact with the body and have no side effects. These funds are not instantly, but after a while will bring relief to the cat and you.

Fight the symptoms, it is advisable first 2-3 estrus. Further, the cat should either take the cat, or spayed. If nothing is done, soon the animal will begin problems with the ovaries, uterus or Breasts.