You will need
  • - mandatory insurance insurance policy on the trailer;
  • - a document certifying the right of ownership of the trailer.
  • - passport of the owner;
  • - technical passport of the trailer.
Please contact the registration Department of traffic police at the place of residence. Take the application form about registration of the trailer. Complete this form according to the pattern which is located on the information Board of the registration authority.
In turn provide a trailer to the technical inspection (MOT). The inspector will check the condition of the trailer, then leave a note on the passage on the statement. Give the statement and the documents certifying the right of ownership in the registration window of the vehicles.
Take the receipt for payment of fee for registration of a trailer in the traffic police and the receipt for payment of certificate of registration. In short any Bank will pay these fees.
Get in the act of passing and the verification of the documents where the inspector put his signature. Remember that the validity of these acts – 20 days.
Provide in the registration window all the documents with payment receipt. After that, the inspectors will check all the data and issue the registration number and registration certificate of the trailer. As only these documents will appear on the hand, can begin operation of the trailer.
Report about registration of the trailer in your insurance company. Employees of the insurer entered the room of the trailer to the insurance policy.