Among all forms of promotion is most often possible to meet the letter and thank you letter. In form, both constitute printing the form design. What are the benefits, changes in employment status or material with respect to each of the above types of incentives, the question is not idle.

Diplomas and letters of thanks can be encouraged and rewarded as individuals and organizations.

What is a diploma

The diploma is awarded for achievements in a particular activity. Text letters, usually dry and compressed. The text identifies specific achievements in a particular activity, that is, the certificate establishes the fact of the achievements.

For letters use standard typographic forms of treatment A4. On the forms there is sometimes a cliché, it remains only to write the name and surname of the award and the name of the issuing authority. Sometimes used the form-processing, and the main text is entered on its own.

What is a letter of thanks

A letter of thanks has a wider range of use and may be issued only for specific achievements, but simply for the responsible attitude to this or that event. The most common use of letters of gratitude – gratitude to the parents of schoolchildren.

The style of text letters of gratitude is not limited to strict limits, and from the authority issuing the letter of thanks, depends on how warm are words to encourage the person. For letters of appreciation are also used ready-made forms of A4 format.

What is the fundamental difference

The fundamental difference between the letters from thank-you letters is semantic contents – statement of fact in one case, and the expression of gratitude in another.

With regard to material support, this issue is addressed at the local level, most often at the municipal or regional.

The opportunity of material support is prescribed in the Regulation and adopted in accordance with the law. The possible differentiation of diplomas and letters of thanks, as merit is most often given for specific achievements, often expressed in concrete figures.

In any case, data on certificates and other rewards listed in their respective sections of the work book and give reason to encourage the owner based on the results of the labor activity for a certain period.