Skype is a program for browsing the Internet. It provides free video calling, sending instant text messages, and also allows you to make calls to mobile and landline phones. To use it, just download and install on a computer the distribution kit from the official website and complete the registration process. After its completion you will be able to communicate with friends from a computer, laptop, PDA and other communication devices connected to the Internet.If it so happened that the password from the "Skype" was forgotten or lost, then restore it you can use the following methods:1. Open Skype and click on the link "Forgot password". In the opened window, enter the email address with which you conducted the registration procedure. 2. In response you will receive an email with a link to create a new password.3. Go through it and replace the forgotten password from the "Skype" on a new one. When it is created, it is desirable to make a combination of numbers and letters – so you'll save yourself from intruders. After saving your changes you can re-use the program.If you cannot recover the password from the "Skype" via e-mail address, then use the following algorithm:1. On the password recovery page, click "can't remember the email address.mail?" and in the opened window enter your login.2. After clicking "Send" you will be presented with the create a new password from Skype. It is worth remembering that the use of this method only those users who used Skype for making paid calls.If you remember neither the email address nor the username, the password recovery from Skype is impossible. It is easier to register a new account and re-shape your old contacts list.
What to do if forgot password of Skype
Skype is a convenient tool for communication via the Internet. But access to this functionality may be lost if you forgot the password from the "Skype"provided during registration. To restore it in several ways.

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