To recover password you can use e-mail, which you specified when you registered your account on Skype. Open the login window in Skype. Click the link "Forgot password". In the opened window, write your e-mail address. This address will receive an email containing two links and special code.
Click on the first link. The unique code is entered automatically. You only need to choose and enter a new password. It is desirable that it consisted of letters and numbers simultaneously, and to a greater extent will protect your account from intruders. If the first link does not work, then open the second. Here you need to enter a special code manually. Then enter and repeat new password. And remember that code recovery password is valid only for six hours.
If you cannot remember the email address, then restore the password will be much harder, but still possible. The recovery window password write your username. And include estimates of any toll transaction made by you through Skype. For example, a credit card number which you have added to your balance in Skype. These data will be enough to find forgotten email address. Then restore the password for the above schema.
Can still try to contact the support of Skype. Describe the problem in detail. Preferably in English. Be sure to include your credit card through which you paid services in Skype, the date of the last payment, and your name.
If you forgot both passwordand email address, and never spent any money transactions via Skype, then restore the password will be impossible. Support Skype simply will not be able to identify you. Better make a new account.