Why are there wet dreams

Wet dreams in men begin to occur, starting with the active period of puberty, that is from 12-14 years, and subsequently can last a lifetime. The reason for the sudden ejaculation is usually a long lack of sexual discharge. As a result, the testicles accumulates an excessive amount of semen. During sleep, when the body is fully relaxed, wet dreams occur, thus removing the excess.

It should be remembered that it is quite normal for any age, and to not worry. Quite often, night ejaculation stopped in adolescence. If you want to stop them yourself, you can make some changes in your lifestyle.

How to get rid of wet dreams

Have sex more often. Usually 2-3 sexual acts a week is enough to pollutions ceased to bother you, as in this case, the extra seminal fluid will not accumulate and stagnate. If you do not have a permanent sexual partner, or you have not attained the age of majority, you can do Masturbation (Masturbation) – independent stimulation of the penis ending in ejaculation. Contrary to popular belief, this activity is not harmful or shameful-especially if you often think about anything related to sex. Rapid discharge will help you to relax and not to experience wet dreams at night.

Try to rarely think and communicate on intimate topics, especially if you are not too busy sex life. You can temporarily focus on work, school, any Hobbies, etc. Also, avoid watching erotic movies and photos in the evening and especially before bed, otherwise you'll tune your brain to erotic dreams. Such dreams also cause wet dreams more often, even in men, living an active sex life.

Sometimes, frequent wet dreams may cause any disease of the genital organs. In addition, allocated to the male sexual organ fluid may not be seed. Different selection are carriers of certain diseases, sexually transmitted. If wet dreams began to trouble you too often, which was not observed previously, consult a doctor – urologist or the venereologist, who will conduct the necessary tests and report whether your situation is the norm.