You will need
  • Certificate of graduation, certificate, exam or GIA, the application for admission, a medical certificate, photos.
Test yourself for suitability to the profession. Such a test is possible to pass the school psychologist or independently searching the needed material. Dentist's profession requires high concentration of attention, perseverance, sociability, stress tolerance, ability to sympathize with people. If you possess all these qualities?
Start to attend preparatory courses or hire a tutor for several months before admission. Tenders for dental faculties is quite high, so you need to prepare in advance. Items that should be given special attention: biology, chemistry, Russian language and physics.
Apply for admission to one (or several, for insurance) from medical colleges or universities, the faculty of "Dentistry". The deadline for applications is set by the school. For admission you will need documents such as a certificate of education, a certificate with the results of the exam (if you arrive after the 11th grade) or GIA (if you arrive after grade 9), a medical certificate in the prescribed form and some photos.
Do not worry if you do not pass on competition in University, start your career as a dental technician, which can be obtained at the medical College.

Hard to do chemistry and Russian language for admission to the College, you will have to write a dictation and to pass an oral exam in chemistry.
Make an attempt admission to the University after medical College. If secondary institution on the profile you finish with honors, for admission to the Institute you have to pass only one exam in chemistry.
Entrance examinations for admission to the dentist in the various universities may be different, but mostly it's chemistry, biology, Russian language and physics.
Be prepared for the painstaking hard study for five years at the University because the profession of the dentist is severe enough to be responsible. With 2-3 of course the future doctor starts to practice on mannequins, then practice as a dental assistant.