Perhaps the surest way you can adjust the level of iron in the blood, is the transition to proper nutrition. Eat foods rich in calcium. This is primarily dairy products. The excessive use of calcium impaired absorption of iron. Include in your daily diet rice dishes. Rice perfectly removes from the body excess salts and trace elements, including iron.
As best promote the absorption of iron vitamin C and b vitamins, eliminate or limit the joint consumption of the foods containing the above vitamins and iron. For example, refrain from Apple or citrus fruits as a complement to meat dishes. Eat foods rich in sugars.
To get rid of excessive iron, become a donor. In the continuous process of hematopoiesis, which is compensated by loss of blood, significantly reduced the level of hemoglobin.
For the treatment of chronic excess of iron, it deposits in organs and tissues (sideros) use drugs from the group of hepatoprotectors, complexing agents and zinc supplements.
Having a reduced level of iron special medicines. To speed up the excretion of iron from the blood use a certain geptapeptid. When interacting with the drugs for removing iron from the body, the latter is accelerated approximately 8 times. But remember that drugs can be applied solely by the treating physician.
To improve the indicator in the treatment of high iron content in the blood, use hirudotherapy. Little leeches, sucking the blood, reduces the level of hemoglobin.
In addition to the above, to reduce the high iron content in the blood without eating at the same medication, use the old proven method - bloodletting (phlebotomy).