You will need
  • - the document on the purchase/sale of the car;
  • - technical passport;
  • - warranty card;
  • - funds for completion.
The first stage pass inspection (MOT). In order to be given a document serviceability of the car, requiring the existence of a contract of purchase/sale or of the document confirming the right to own a car.
After passing off THE traffic police with all the documents and contracts. Most likely, you'll need to get a physical (not necessary, if the Policeman friend). When such medical examination must have a certificate from ophthalmologist, psychiatrist and Laura. After successful completion of all the necessary doctors, you will be given a document stating that you can drive a car.
Then go to the traffic police management with the medical book and all documents. Then you will have to explain why the machine was withdrawn from account and now again issued.
If you can explain that this procedure was not done for the sake of avoidance tax payment, you're in luck. If not, then you will be forced to pay the statutory 9% to the pension Fund.
Wait 3-4 days. Very often it happens that the car is entered into the database immediately and you can be fined on the road. Once you are sure that your car is registered in traffic police, can safely travel on the road.