Treatment of oncological diseases is urgent, therefore, to attend to the collection of documents for consultation in cancercentre is necessary at the first suspicion of a bad diagnosis. Ask the oncologist from the hospital to prepare a statement, which will be reflected: the presumptive diagnosis, your complaints, symptoms and the results of their surveys.
To the experts of the cancer centre did not refuse you in a free consultation, direction must be signed not only by the treating oncologist, but also the main physician of the clinic or hospital in which you are observed. It should contain your personal data, presumptive diagnosis and the purpose for which you send in a cancer center (screening, confirmation of diagnosis, treatment).
If you are directed to the examination of the above documents, passports and medical insurance will be enough to receive consultations of experts of the cancer center. If you have already been carried out any examination, do not forget to take images (x-ray, CT, MRI, etc.), and a conclusion.
If after an examination in the Oncology center, the diagnosis is confirmed, you will need long-term treatment. And to be treated in a cancercentre, you need to obtain a quota for high technology medical aid. If you are in hometown, assistance in obtaining quotas you will have a doctor guiding you in the cancer center. If you come for a consultation from another region, the design of the quota will have to apply to the Ministry of health of the city, which houses the cancer center.