You will need
- Bank card
- Account number of Your Bank card
- A passport or other document proving Your identity
- Details of the Bank servicing Your card
By depositing the funds in RAaccountth account Bank card through ATMs of the Bank Your card with cash-in function. It is enough to insert your Bank card into the ATM, enter your pin code assigned to the map, select the menu item "Deposit accountand", and follow the prompts ATM.

Another way is to replenish the accountand Bank card through the Bank servicing Your card. This requires personally contact the Bank branch. You need to have a Bank card or a number the RAscoretion scoreand assigned to the map, and a document proving your identity.
Replenishment of the accountand Bank cards through third-party banks. In this case, you need to have a number of RAscoretion scoreand assigned to the map, the document proving the identity, and details of the Bank servicing Your card. When funding the RAscoretion scoreand Bank card this way, through third-party banks may be charged for services of the Bank.
Another way is Bank transfer to the RAscoretion scoreassigned to your credit card, through the offices of "Mail of Russia". You need to have a number of RAscoretion scoreand identity document. For transfer service fee is charged.
Alternatively, it is also possible to consider a method of introduction of RA intoaccountth account Bank card funds through the payment system QIWI or CONTACT. In this case, you must have a RAaccountcent account, has credit card and passport information. Also charged the fee for a translation service.