Don't get a husky just because of the outer beauty of a dog or fashion on them. If you are a hunter, and a homebody, it is appropriate to think about a four-legged friend of a different breed more suitable to your lifestyle. Experts do not recommend having a husky in an apartment. The best environment for this dog – house with a large plot. Huskies are by nature active, demand attention; by the way, they have a lot of bark, so that housing conditions can cause discomfort and the dog and owner.
Do not take puppy from mother in the first six months of his life. Once it gets to your house, put him on a warm Mat, it is desirable to have a maternal smell. If you took the puppy in the fall or winter, let the first week of life in a new place he will spend in the booth on the street and in the house, so he didn't get sick. Puppies huskies susceptible to disease, so from an early age need to vaccinate. About the appropriate time for a particular immunizations check with your veterinarian or breeder.
As they grow, decreasing the feeding frequency of your puppy 5 times a day at two months of age to 2 times per day in the year. Once the puppy stops drinking mother's milk, prikarmlivat his boiled beef and fish. Do not let your puppy nibble bird bones, but raw beef will bring him teeth favor. Do not feed him raw pork, taking care to feed dairy products. The diet should be balanced depending on the activity of the pet, so the question of power discuss with your vet or an experienced lication. Always keep puppy bowl clean, and discard uneaten food.
Since 2-3 months, teach your puppy to simple commands. They are necessary to ensure that the dog grew more or less disciplined. Experienced breeders recommend from 3-4 months to take the puppy with him into the woods. Encourage every attempt to hunt, even at home give him the opportunity to show off the trophy was found. For this future hunter buy as many toys. This will protect your furniture and books from paws and teeth of a pet, and at the same time and will occupy the dog while you are out. Daily pay hours games and few minutes of training.